Actor Kheira Bey reflects on the best, most challenging, and enlightening parts of her recent performance
By Kheira Bey
Previously on The Gallyry, the co-founder of Lemon House Theatre Jennifer Cerys sat down with two actors to discuss their upcoming performances, Willow and Different Sand. After the successful premieres of the all-female Algerian plays in London, we caught up with one of the actors from Different Sand to reflect on her performance.
Tell us about Lemon House Theatre
Lemon House Theatre are a fresh new theatre company who have brought Different Sand to the Bunker Theatre this September. I was gladly cast as Amira in the play by Samia Djilli, about two British-Algerian sisters who live under the same roof. The sisters are about to face a tipping point in their lives what happens next pushes them to question their cultural identity even more.

What was the best thing about performing in Different Sand?
The best thing about being in this production has to be the cast and crew, and our time we have spent together. Every member of the cast and creative team is Algerian and female, so we have easily drifted into interesting conversations that we have all connected with. I really will miss the time we've spent together as our conversations have made me feel like less of an alien in regards to some things which I didn't know others had felt.
"I've learnt to be louder and prouder of my differences and I think that's why the piece is so watchable"
What was the most challenging?
Likewise, I think handling the responsibility placed on us is very important and exciting at the same time. This was a bit of a challenge as the showdays dawned closer, as the pressure began to mount up. But I think the team came together here to really refine the piece and build a trust in the company.

What did you learn?
I think the most important thing I have learnt through the whole process is essentially Amira's line, “You are different, but so am I.” I think it encapsulates the feeling of not only being mixed race, but also being accepted by others who are also mixed race and embracing that. I've learnt to be louder and prouder of my differences and I think that's why the piece is so watchable.
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