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Sojo is the alterations app making fashion more circular

Think ‘Deliveroo’ but for clothing alterations and repairs


are Sojo?

Sojo was founded by Josephine after being frustrated at finding amazing second-hand clothes that just didn’t fit right. With a Deliveroo-like model, Josephine’s brilliant idea for an app that could make repairs easier was born. Using a pick-up and delivery service, the app connects customers to local Seamster businesses so they can get their clothes repaired with a few simple clicks – it really is that easy!


inspired the idea behind Sojo?

Josephine: “Having made a move away from fast-fashion a couple of years ago, shopping second-hand was my first port of call when it came to buying clothes and then the idea for Sojo came directly from a personal problem that I kept facing. I’d constantly find clothes that were fabulous, but weren’t the right size, and didn’t have an easy and convenient way to alter them. And Sojo was born!”

“I’d constantly find clothes that were fabulous, but weren’t the right size, and didn’t have an easy and convenient way to alter them. And Sojo was born!”


is it so important to Josephine to champion circular fashion?

Josephine: “I think for me, the importance of championing circular fashion is really about what we’re fighting against when we’re pushing for circularity. We’re fighting against the status quo – which is a really wasteful, throwaway culture that doesn’t value the clothes we buy, or the planet and the people behind our clothes. Circular fashion is the opposite of that – it’s considered and slow and it’s important to champion it because it will create a much more sustainable future.”


has Josephine found starting Sojo in a pandemic?

Josephine: “I think starting a business at any time is a challenge in itself – let alone during the pandemic and lockdown! I won’t lie – it’s definitely been quite tough. From the fact that we couldn’t access all the Seamsters we’d planned to launch with to the fact that I haven’t been able to work in communal spaces or with friends and that being quite a lonely experience. Having said that, I have to count my blessings – I’ve actually been able to have a functioning business in lockdown as so many others aren’t as lucky.”

“We’re fighting against the status quo – which is a really wasteful, throwaway culture that doesn’t value the clothes we buy, or the planet and the people behind our clothes.”


can you check out Sojo?

You can download the app from the app store and check out more about what Sojo is about on their Instagram.

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