You Look Okay To Me explores the cultural and social aspects of life with a chronic illness and provides a supportive space for others
are You Look Okay To Me?
You Look Okay To Me is a digital space created by Jameisha Prescod to talk about her experience living with a chronic illness and provide a supportive space for others. Through social media, writing, videos, and a podcast, Jameisha has used her creative skills to make content that explores the cultural and social aspects of life with a chronic illness, which she hopes can help others stop feeling shame about their condition. Let’s hear from Jameisha about why she started You Look Okay To Me, what this digital space means to her, and how it hopes to help others.
did Jameisha start You Look Okay To Me?
Jameisha: “I started You Look Okay To Me after my first year at university. I had just been diagnosed with Lupus and found it really difficult to keep up with my classmates physically. While they were on film sets for 16 hours getting experience, I was struggling to get out of bed. The frustration led me to think of a way to make creative content using my skills in film while talking about what it's like to live with a chronic illness. From there my ideas developed into a place where I try to use creative visuals to explore the cultural and social aspects of life with a chronic illness while providing a level of support for people.”
“ ideas developed into a place where I try to use creative visuals to explore the cultural and social aspects of life with a chronic illness while providing a level of support for people.”
does having this digital space mean to Jameisha?
Jameisha: “This digital space means a hell of a lot to me. Lupus isn't my identity but starting this platform because of lupus helped me have a sense of purpose. I get messages from people saying my content helped them get a diagnosis or helped them speak to family members about their condition, and it honestly means the world. I think what a lot of people that enter my digital space don't realise is that they help me just as much. It's become a space where I can be creative, but also provide support and feel supported by people from all over the world. It's honestly wild.”
does You Look Okay To Me hope to help others?
Jameisha: “I hope You Look Okay To Me can stop people living with chronic illnesses feeling shame about their condition. I hope that it can empower them to use their voice – this doesn't mean you have to be a public speaker, I mean it in a way where they're able to advocate for themselves and their needs without fear. I also want it to be a resource for people without chronic conditions to learn more. Non-disabled people need to be in the know to help us break down societal barriers so I hope this can aid them in becoming better allies.”
“I hope that it can empower them to use their voice – this doesn't mean you have to be a public speaker, I mean it in a way where they're able to advocate for themselves and their needs without fear.”
can you find out more about You Look Okay To Me?
Follow You Look Okay To Me over on Instagram and check out all their other platforms here too.