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The place to discover new creatives you’ll love

nunu is a hub for creativity, inspiring stories, and design-led content


are nunu?

nunu is your new place to find creators, designers, and entrepreneurs. Through inspiring stories and design-led content, nunu platforms creatives from across industries to showcase their amazing work. Ran by Jade and Issey, nunu is all about sharing what is happening in local creative communities, which has become more important than ever these days. Find out more from the founders about why nunu was started and how the space hopes to grow in the future.


did you decide to start nunu?

Jade and Issey: “We have always championed curiosity and have enjoyed finding out about upcoming exhibitions or events and sharing them within our circle and Instagram community, as well as celebrating projects that our friends have been working on. We've always wanted to create a platform that informs people about what's happening in their local creative communities. During the first lockdown, Jade was actually taking a break from social media so Issey ran with the baton and nunu was born. It seemed like the perfect time as we were all banished indoors and really needed to connect with others in the digital domain in order to feel socially close and optimistic about the months ahead.”

“We've always wanted to create a platform that informs people about what's happening in their local creative communities.”


have you learnt so far from the creatives you’ve featured?

Jade and Issey: “We’re a sucker for stories and anecdotes, so we've really looked forward to finding out about everyone's journey. We've learned that no matter how "put-together" someone may seem, we're pretty much all in that same boat of "I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm going to do it anyway". We often put too much emphasis on the destination and fail to realise it's the bumps and potholes in the road that usually teach us our greatest lessons and ultimately encourage growth.”


do you hope the space will continue to grow?

Jade and Issey: “We have a HUGE wishlist for nunu! I hope we collect enough stories and content to launch a website next year, a proper hub for the nunu community to bookmark ideas, be inspired, and eventually connect with like-minded creatives. We really want to interview people in person too, visit some artist studios, get a BTS pass on some film sets... you name it, we want to do it!”

“We often put too much emphasis on the destination and fail to realise it's the bumps and potholes in the road that usually teach us our greatest lessons and ultimately encourage growth.”


can you find more from nunu?

Check them out over on Instagram!

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